my favorite snack.
strawberries, vanilla yogurt and cereal.
my new favorite spot in the whole wide world.
the new the sunshine...ahhhhhhhhhhh.
the bathroom is 98% done.
i'll show it all when it's totally done.
it is better than i had even hoped.
my favorite dog...Callie.
i know she is a dog and it's different
but seriously i could barely nurse one baby for a month...she's got seven.
and she's so soft and so sweet.
she's my favorite.
as much as i like walking with my girlfriends...
i also like walking alone because i get to listen to this.
kind of nerdy right?
i don't mind.
i love his sermons...and his irish accent.
check him out.
i have learned so much since i started listening to him preach.
(thanks lisa for the collin smith hook up)
my favorite color.
this shade of green.
winter spinach...that's what the paint chip says.
i love it.
my favorite flower in bloom in my yard right now.
when my zinnias bloom (if the grasshoppers let them) they will be my favorites.
but for's the yellow coneflower.
i only have this one plant.
i wish there were more.
so pretty.
and my favorite guy.
what a great weekend we had.
homemade ice cream...the pool...a fun date...painting...hanging out.
he's my most favorite of all my list of favorites.