i know i have talked about this before but...
for 13 years pancakes from scratch have been craig's specialty.
his helpers have changed over the years.
annie can't wait to get started and she calls them pam-Takes.
they fight every week over who gets to turn the blender on and off.
one turns it on and one gets to turn it off.
they alternate pouring the ingredients.
(crystal...notice my jars...i'm loving the flour and sugar in here!)
occasionally they do a pancake dance....
almost done...the blender is full now.
the best part.
pouring it out...trying their best to make shapes that are legible.
then adding the chocolate chips or blueberries on top before you flip them.
this red spatula was the only christmas gift i gave craig this year.
it was the perfect gift for him.
you can get one here.
i am usually asleep for all this fun daddy/kid stuff.
then a child comes up to my bed and says
"mommy your pancakes are done."
the sweetest words....
there is more to life than bisquick.
no pressure bisquick mommies....
but they are really really good.
craig you are the king of pancakes.
i should make you a crown.
recipe is in the sidebar.
happy breakfast.
or dinner?