i have been on a cleaning binge.
while the little girls were gone i did a complete overhaul in their room.
4 bags to goodwill and 2 bags of trash.
that's gross.
and last week i cleaned the craft room.
it is so much happier now.
happy to sit.
happy to dream up new projects.
happy to let the sun shine in.
this pile of fabric...will soon become a tent for the pink bedroom...i promised it would be next.
i'll show you what i mean at the end of this post.
i found the black tool holder at a garage sale a few weeks back...i plan to fill-it-up!
they had bunches of good stuff there.
it was hard to hold back.
and it turned out she was a blog reader...and she recognized me...HA!
hi jennie. :)
it was crazy.
my friend and i laughed about it all day!
that chicken lamp? my friend Chicago Jen trashpicked it for me.
it's special because
1. she thought of me while trash picking and
2. she was brave enough to give me something picked from someone's trash.
so i have always loved it.
and the tall cabinet with chippy green paint is my favorite flea market find.
do you remember that julie k.?
do you still have your yellow cabinet you bought that day?
the other white cabinet was in my IL neighbor's basement...he was going to throw it away...GASP!
and my sign to inspire me...thank you julie.
those scrapbooks look sad and lonely...neglected...ignored...poor babies.
a handmade gift that i love.
special stuff...
squares cut for more quilted pillows.
so the tent....
i want to make a tent like in The Holiday.
here's a clip...but it's long...the tent is at 5:47 of the 8 minutes.
you'll understand why i want to make it.
but i just don't know how....
(i love this whole movie so you should rent it anyway if you haven't seen it)