now that we live in kansas again...
i get to see my childhood friends more often.
we didn't have that for 10 years and i am grateful for it now.
(the double spacing of this post is making me NUTS!!! why does it do this?!)
dana and i were cheerleaders together.
oh the glory days....
back when i had no problem wearing a skirt so short i couldn't even sit on it.
i wonder if i can find an old picture from back then....when i was skinny.
another time.
we've moved 4 times since those days so who knows where that would be by now.
anyway....i took pictures of her daughters this summer.
at her parent's farm.
it was a photographer's dream location.
they are such pretty girls.
i love freckles.
and red heads.
and turquoise blue eyes.
it's weird that we both have kids as tall as we are.
how are we that old?
when did this happen?
it was fun dana.
let's get together soon.
i'll see YOU at the craft least we don't have to sell pork sandwiches at a cheer fundraiser anymore.
how about a cheer for old times sake?
Let's STOMP and CLAP and MAKE A LOT OF NOISE to show that we're BEHIND OUR BOYS!
{{{{{spirit fingers}}}}
.......that is embarrassing isn't it?