annie asked me if we could make cupcakes.
what i wanted to say was "no honey mommy is blogging."
but instead i said "yes!"
a friend of mind told me to try saying YES more often with my kids and see how it goes.
hmmmm...turns out it makes them happy.
i am not sure what i think about that yet...HA.
we decided to make Pinkalicious cupcakes!
(after i finished blogging)
because the only cake mix we had was strawberry.
but it was perfect because it's currently annie's favorite book.
do you have it?
it's a cute book.
perfect for girls who love pink...or cupcakes....or throwing tantrums.
they were very tasty.
i had four...over the course of two days...not all at once.
do you feel like your automatic response is no when your kids ask for something?
i do.
so i am working on it...
my first thought is usually "No...i am too tired/busy/crabby/lazy/blogging..."
but if i try hard to think first before i give my auto pilot answer....
can we make cookies? well....yes, as soon as these dishes are done we sure can.
can we read 4 books? yes...if you can sit still we can read four.
can you drop me off at the gym? will you be able to walk home...then YES.
i don't's hard to break a habit.
at least this time there were cupcakes to eat.