here is our 2010 list.
you can see 2009 and 2008 also.
it helps for our summer to be a little more intentional.
gives us new things to try...
activities to look forward to....
it's fun!
*36 hours of reading is through the public library
(which means i will have to settle our bill to show my face in there again....ugh)
*Cooking Kids is a night where the kids are in charge of the entire meal for the family...individually.
we put each childs day on the calendar already.
it should be interesting...i will only supervise or help when asked.
*Craft Thursdays is my promise to be organized enough to have a different craft ready every thursday.
i have a pretty big list of what i want to do.
i will share them all...but you knew that didn't you?
and i was right about monday.
it wasn't good.
highs are so often followed by lows.
i hate that.
who is going to come over here and tell these kids how to behave...because i am tired of doing it.
and they don't listen to me anyway.
i am trying my best to use my quiet inside calm voice.
i am sure i have is just hard to find it.