this past weekend i got do something i love for someone i love.
that is a favorite of mine.
don't you enjoy doing something you love soooo much more when you get to bless someone else?!
my friend's son got married and my friends and i were honored to prepare and serve the rehearsal dinner.
we were the mother of the groom's friends....
you at YOUR wedding when your mom's friends took a picture?
and you thought they looked old then?
yeah....that is ME now?!!!
surely we don't look as old our parents did???? ha ha ha
i love flowers.
i cut from the craft house, bought sunflowers at the grocery store & pulled over and cut wildflowers in the fields.
they came together so beautifully.
the meal was simple and perfect.
a group effort of friends and family.
and all family recipes of the groom's favorite foods.
engagement photos were blown up at kinkos in poster size.
we used spray adhesive to mount them onto plywood.
and then they were hung from the rafters in the barn.
the happy couple....adorable. :)
the craft house tables and chairs took a little field trip this weekend for the party.
hay bales served as seating and even made a loveseat for the bride and groom.
this old door made a perfect frame.
the parents of the groom.....
time to eat!
pulled pork sandwiches, cheesy potatoes, baked beans & pasta salad....SO YUMMY.
the parents of the bride....
wildflowers + mason jars + candles = happiness.
my beautiful friends.
this picture gets me all them so much.
we had such a nice day together preparing to help our friend become a mother-in-law.
YAY is the perfect word!
after dinner we got the dessert ready....homemade ice cream and four kinds of cake!
ice cream served in jars with your choice of strawberry, peanut butter, chocolate or banana sheet cake.
this was absolutely DELICIOUS!
the sun went down and the candles and twinkle lights were so pretty.
we enjoyed some time when everyone went home just soaking up the day.
what a blessing it was to be a part of prepare something special for our friend.
AND get to do some of my favorite things at the same time....decorate AND eat good food!
my heart is full today.
bursting practically.
i am a happy happy girl.