i hunt for sunflowers.
every summer.
i am a sunflower addict.
i mean really....just try to tell me what is happier than that?!!
it is the best site to see.
every detail amazes me.
LOOK at that!
it's about 8 inches across and hasn't even opened yet....it is B E A U T I F U L !!!
sean held annie up to see a bug inside that one.
they had a blast running around this old farm.
this brings me joy.
{{{{ sigh }}}}
three of my favorite people in one of my favorite places....it's enough to make me cry.
i didn't see that in my lens....or when it uploaded....i noticed it when put it on the blog.
i absolutely LOVE that picture!
only about half of the flowers were open when we came by.
which made me giddy just thinking about coming back.
my kids asked if we could build a house right here so we could see the flowers and climb that tree.
talby took this picture of the lady bug!
i am not prejudiced....i love dead sunflowers too!
one of the things i love about sunflowers is that they are solid and study.
they have big leaves....they have layers and layers of seeds and petals.
God creates each one so intricitly.
His creation is so detailed.
she found her twinsie in size.
thank you Lord for reminding me of how detailed You are in the world.
every seed.
every petal.
Thank you God for caring about every hair on my head....every tear...every hurt....every joy in my life.
and for showing me that in a field of sunflowers.
God is awesome.