how was your weekend?
craft weekend was wonderful.
i am so happy about it.
can i just say....how awesome is the internet?
i know that it can have really awful stuff but for me it has been AMAZING!
God has blessed me with SO many friends, so many ideas, so much inspiration, so much FUN through the internet the past few years. I get to connect with and meet women that are so completely awesome that i never would have met otherwise because of the internet!
i love LOVE LOVE that God is in the details of everything...even the internet.
(these are instagram pics from the past few days.)
michelle allen from close2myart was my blogger/teacher/helper this craft weekend.
i don't even know who found who as far as blogs and how we connected.
we have been emails friends for a few years now and we finally got to meet.
she is a life long friend now i can guarantee.
i loved her.
(and her hair was soooo rad)
she was even better than i imagined and i had made her pretty great in my mind already! :)
so yeah....i love the internet and i am not afraid to say it.
this is my loot from the barn on saturday.
an old RC crate that is really rough (which is why i like it), a old metal box that seems like maybe it was a breadbox, a Super Nutro Hog feed bag, an embroidered runner with horses, a little quilt to make into pillows, a small candy jar and some doilies.
i love the internet AND i love old junk.
these three books arrived for me this week.
i am starting with A Million Miles in a Thousand Years tonight.
i have basically been told by God in about 10 different ways that i am supposed to read this book.
He couldn't have been more clear.
so i will let you know how it goes....
i read Interuppted and my world has been ROCKED.
so i am equal parts nervous and excited to read this one.
because i knew i was supposed to read Interrupted too.
was i just too open right there?
i feel a little vulnerable about those two paragraphs.
here is my front seat on my way to craft weekend.
my backseat looked the same.
happy car!
right now i am sitting at the craft house (because i came to town for paint & the internet is so slow at the farm)
i stopped by the thrift store this morning and picked up a few dishes, some fabric and a globe.
i can't NOT buy a globe when it's at a thrift shop because they are so much cheaper than at an antique shop.
i made mini bunting here last night while my husband attempted to fix the dryer we got on craigslist.
it's a bummer when people are dishonest on craigslist don't ya think?
i guess ANYTIME people are dishonest it is sad but when they take your money....ugh.
(so that would be a down side to the internet...)
i picked up a gallon of Kilz to start a big paint project this week.
and i have now finished off the candy corn we had left from CW....for lunch
i need to get working.
i have stuff to paint.
are you on instagram? i am @megduerksen if you aren't following me yet.
it's so fun.
i am....addicted.
happy monday to you.