1. wicket has taken a big space in our hearts over here. she is a total spaz. she leaps and jumps all over the place and she is fast! everyone loves her so much already.

2. i miss making things. it's been forever. i am just so busy. that is the dumbest excuse. i need to just do it. no plan. nothing... just start. because it is what makes me feel the most like myself.

3. i am reading The Help. i am not an awesome reader that pours through books and can't put them down... but it is growing on me. and i will be honest that i actually love that i have seen the movie so i can hear the voices in my head as i read it. i can hear emma stone's low gritty voice. i am pretty sure that is the opposite of what "real readers" say when reading a book that has been turned into a movie. oh well. i think i am finally outgrowing my A.D.D. or at least stablizing a lot more which is why i can read more than i could in the past. but i am not a doctor so really who knows what the deal is!

4. i mentioned again about the sky during talby's ball game last night to her and she said "I KNOW! it's like so beautiful every single night!" she is right. kanasas just seems to ROCK OUT in june!

it was blinding but so pretty!!! half cloudy. half storm blowing in. scorching hot. sun setting. it was just lovely.
5. my friend kerry is a garage sale queen. she finds all the good stuff! look what she has found for me!

that means more awesome maps coming soon to the SHOP!!
6. i get the night off so i am going to go enjoy some quiet time A L O N E. i am quite ready for that.