we had a 15th birthday.

it is pretty awesome to watch a boy turn into man-size right before your eyes.
the have him still lay his head on your shoulder waiting for his dinner from the waiter.
and even let you play with his hair.
at a restaurant!

it's always fun to celebrate together.
and i never make cakes except for birthdays so i enjoy that too.
he requested chocolate with chocolate frosting.

he also wanted to light his own candles.

after cake craig put on a video of them when they were little....scott's 4th birthday.
it was the highlight of the night.
their little voices.... sean's pacifier... the way the boys couldn't say their L's and C's...
the birth order traits showing up loud and clear even 11 years ago...and little baby talby just beaming in the swing while the chaos goes on all around her.
we are so mad that we didn't take more video.
and now that is gone. G O N E.
SO here is my Public Service Announcement for today .... take video of your kids.
of nothing.
of everything.
of them eating dinner.
playing with their toys.
singing a song.
reading a book.
playing dress up.
taking a bath.
sitting in the yard.
playing soccer.
swinging on a swing.
being tickled.
because when it's gone then IT IS GONE.
you WILL NOT remember the voices.
you won't.
i promise.
your little boys with drooly lips, new teeth and chubby cheeks will get deep LOW voices and be taller than you and you will not have the ability to remember the sounds of them squeeling about the new "P-eeece Tars!!!" they got for their birthday (police cars)
i am NOT kidding around here.
take video today and all the time of nothing special.
because it's ALL SPECIAL!!!
it is gone WAY too fast.
now stop crying and get out your video camera.