this month for craft weekend we had all fresh flowers right out of the garden!
i had way too much fun cutting flowers for over an hour.
some of my favorite people ever were helpers this month!
Pam (my friend who moved to africa and is back for a visit) came to be a helper and she made us THE CHEESECAKE that she created the recipe for!
what a dreamy treat!!
eating pam's cheesecake prepared BY PAM!!!
Ashley was a helper this month...we have missed her!!
she is like five helpers in one.
so speedy and on top of anything that needs to be done.
and Jess stopped by for friday lunch and helped us a little more.

Megan drove with a guest and was our helper from friday- sunday.
she was a cooking machine beside kimberlee.
and we were ready just in time with minutes to spare...when are we going to be SUPER ready with no rushing around?
someday i hope.
we sent out all the swag in the cubbies, at their chair and also on their beds.
kimberlee made an amazing "kansas" meal for our first night.
it was SOOOOO delicious.
(we even pulled out my grandma's silver platter... she would have liked that)
margaritas go with any meal.
it's a fact.
every month its so enjoyable to see the fabrics they put together for their aprons.
everyone's personality comes out in their choices.
9:30 pm rolls around and the cheesecake is passed out.
having someone bring you dessert WHILE you are crafting... and a cup of coffee... it's dreamy.
while we stay up late into the night crafting kimberlee gets her beauty sleep so she can get up early and make beautiful coffee cake like this.
what a gift she is to me.
i don't do mornings.
we took our lunch on the road this time so prep was happening before we left for our field trip.
at Bearly Makin' It i saw that diet pepsi bottle and had an immediate flashback to being 7 years old and choosing my dad's birthday present.
i got him a pack of typing paper (he was a newspaper reporter before computers)
and a 6 pack of diet pepsi cans (his favorite drink).
that was the label at the time... i's at least from sometime in my young childhood.
we ate our lunch at the barn.
on a quilt.
surrounded by beautiful green fields and antiques in all directions.
it was lovely.... great food and great company.
Megan kept picking and picking....and she kept finding MORE and MORE awesome!!!
those girls were serious shoppers.
when we get back on saturdays we get right back into crafting.
Ashley led a craft that required using a saw!
we felt very empowered. :)
they worked into the night again making so many beautiful projects.
these were hanging fabric chalkboards.
aren't they adorable?!!
some used paints pens to make a permanent decorative frames too.
we made the wreathes again with the Hello from Say Hello Shop.
each group has made them so differently.
and i love them all!
our purchases were delivered early sunday morning... there was so much...this is not all of it.
i wish that i could get this delivered to my driveway every sunday morning. :)
roommate photos!
setting up for our group photo...
Erin from wisconsin .................................. Julie from iowa ......................................
Beth from kansas ...................................... Megan from kansas ...................................
Lisa from wisconsin .................................. Kyra from wisconsin ...................................
Pam from wisconsin .................................. Heidi from kansas .....................................
Jenn from kansas .................................... Stephany from Oregon .................................
Janis from kansas ..................................... Kaitlyn from virginia ..................................
Pam from africa/kansas ............................ Megan from michigan .................................
Ashley from oklahoma ................................
such a kind group of women.
i like them.
and i super like our helpers too!
thanks for another awesome Craft Weekend ladies!
kimberlee makes everyday fun to come to work.
we have the WHOLE summer off.
we don't have craft weekend again until after school starts again.
that is kinda crazy.
i hope you have a creative day today.
i know that my mind is craving creativity deeply.
it's going to HAVE to happen or i may get too cranky for this little house full of kids.
if you would like to get on the wait list for future Craft Weekends...
first READ THIS: Craft weekend Q&A
and then get on the list!!