i stayed up until 4 AM talking with chicago jen last night.
and until 2:45 the night before.
i love my nights with jen.
but i am tired today.
VERY tired.
the men golfed one day 18 holes.
so jen and i decided to take some time without kids too...just moms...when the dads were back.
we went to get pedicures.
and jenny's was good.
mine was.......not.
here is jen's.
we started at the same time.
here is mine at the exact time as hers.
notice how the chair is empty?
it had already been empty about 10 minutes at this point.
my feet were on a cold wet rag.
jenny's girl put on her shoes....gave her the toe seperators....massaged her legs with warm lotion.....
did all the things she was supposed to do.
she was pampered (and i am happy for her)
i got....my toenails painted.
and it's not because my feet were in such good shape that they didn't need work.
my last pedi was in july.
it was just a really bad pedicure.
she never came back either....she just talked to her friend in the back and then started on a girl who came in for a manicure.
something to laugh about.
it was ridiculously funny.
i kept thinking i was getting filmed to see how i would react.
it was CRAZY!
ok........i need a nap.
my ETSY SHOP will open on MONDAY.
for real this time.
i promise.
cross my heart.
MONDAY at noon.
need sleepy.